Friday, January 21, 2011

@ The Mill

At the beginning of December I recieved a gift from the principal of my former school.  It was the gift of bread.  At first I scoffed, and thought..."who gives someone bread as a gift".  Then I ate it.  Oh my my!

This bread was so good I had to plan a trip to buy some.  We vowed after eating that bread not to buy bread from the grocery store again.  We have stuck to our guns on that one and have only eaten bread from the Amish Market in Nolensville, Tennessee.  

The Amish Market @ The Mill is the rage now a days.  With everyone trying to support local businesses, its no wonder boys and girls flock to their humble store from far distances outside of the Nashville Metro area. Myself included.  However, I have had the Amish Country experience in Pennsylvania and Maryland, so this situation was a little touristy and lacked authenticity.  

Look at my reflection in the door!  

They are praised for their breakfast....but Miss Pea-wee is NOT Amish.  Am I being Amish-ist?  

I don't like Pecan Pie but a lot of people do because it was the only one left.

No...I don't want to fight in the civil war.  

This trip was over all disappointing.  I just do not get what all of the fuss was about.  But when I post the rest of the pictures I took while in Nolensville, you will see why I fell in love!  Not with this place though.  Its just my bread provider.  If you want to go and get some be my guest!  The verdict is still out on the Strawberry Jam.  I do not think its that great but my husband loves it. 

Anyways, go and see for yourself!

Amish Country Market @ The mill
7280 Nolensville Rd
NolensvilleTN 37135


  1. I love the Feed Mill! Their bread really is the best you'll find anywhere in Nashville. The pecan pie would be my second favorite! Its a pretty drive out to the area in the Fall.

  2. i wanna go! that pecan pie looks mouth-watering!
